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کتاب Braunwalds Heart Disease Review and Assessment اثر Nicola Zammitt
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کتاب Braunwalds Heart Disease Review and Assessment اثر Nicola Zammitt


عنوان اصلی

کتاب Braunwalds Heart Disease Review and Assessment


جامعه نگر



نوع جلد


مشاهده همه ویژگی‌ها

توضیحات محصول

Abstract from the book

With more than 700 review questions derived from and keyed to the newly evised 11th Edition of Braunwald's Heart Disease, Braunwald’s Heart Disease Review and Assessment, 11th Edition, is the perfect review tool for fellows, residents, and practitioners to prepare for board exams in cardiovascular medicine. Noted Harvard educator Dr. Leonard S. Lilly, with assistance from faculty and fellows at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, provides a thorough, clear, and concise overview of the entire field, helping ensure your mastery of all key aspects of today’s cardiology. This title is a one-stop resource for complete, authoritative coverage of the most important concepts in cardiovascular medicine – ideal for self-assessment, individualized study, and clinical practice


مشخصات محصول

  • عنوان اصلی
  • کتاب Braunwalds Heart Disease Review and Assessment
  • ناشر
  • جامعه نگر
  • شابک
  • 9780323546348
  • نوع جلد
  • گالینگور
  • نوع چاپ
  • رنگی
  • قطع
  • رحلی
  • تعداد صفحه
  • 312
  • مولف
  • Nicola Zammitt
  • موضوع
  • پزشکی


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